ISO Certification


It is the policy of the Isle of Man Ship Registry to provide a service compliant with the principles of quality assurance and environmental responsibility which promotes the expansion and diversification of the Isle of Man maritime sector and the employment of Island residents by registering quality ships and facilitating the establishment of marine enterprises. Management of our processes, production, and human resources is conducted such that, wherever possible, negative environmental impacts associated with our work are minimised.

You can view our certification here. One of the first shipping registries to achieve ISO 9001 certification (2015) followed by ISO 14001 certification (2015), our management systems have been developed based on the following core principles.

1. Maintain and develop a first-class ship registry
2. Continuously seek improvements in our performance
3. Encourage new shipping business
4. Minimise our environmental impacts

Our full policy statement can be found here.

This ethos is shared throughout the organisation and ensures that not only do we offer the best service to all our clients but we are constantly striving to exceed their expectations. Our continual internal self-assessments and performance measurements together with annual external audits by LRQA provide confidence that all our systems and procedures are operated in a robust and controlled manner. The benefits of having a greater focus, clear objectives and improved communications have helped keep the Isle of Man Ship Registry highly placed on the Paris and Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding “White Lists” for port state control.

