COVID-19 Information


We wish to reassure clients that the Isle of Man Ship Registry remains open for business as usual during the COVID-19 outbreak. We are confident that there will be no interruptions to our usual high standards of customer service. 

Nonetheless, as a contingency measure, many of the Ship Registry’s staff will be working remotely and during this time the preferred method of contacting the Ship Registry is by email. You can find the email contact list here.

We appreciate your understanding during this exceptional period and hope to return to normality as soon as possible.

Technical guidance for operators who exerpiencing disruption due to COVID-19 has been published by the Isle of Man Ship Registry, IMO and ILO:


TAN 002-20 (Rev. 5) - COVID-19 - Advice to Ship Operators


Circular Letter No.4204/Add.37 - Coronavirus (COVID 19) –Third video meeting for Port State Control (PSC) regimes on harmonized actions at the time of pandemic of Covid-19

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.36 (Rev. 1) - Coronavirus (COVID 19) – ʺNo crew changeʺ clauses in charterparties

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.35 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) –Designation of seafarers as key workers

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.34 - Coronavirus (COVID 19) – WHO e-learning courses on "Promoting public health measures in response to COVID-19 on cargo ships and fishing vessels" and "Operational considerations for managing COVID-19 cases and outbreaks on board ships" 

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.33 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Joint Statement IMO-UNWTO to support the safe resumption of cruise ship operations following the COVID-19 pandemic 

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.32 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – ICAO Harmonized guidance on facilitating passenger flights, including repatriation flights, using public health corridors during the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.31 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Joint Statement on the contribution of international trade and supply chains to a sustainable socio-economic recovery in COVID-19 times 

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.30 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Joint Statement calling on all Governments to immediately recognize seafarers as key workers, and to take swift and effective action to eliminate obstacles to crew changes, so as to address the humanitarian crisis faced by the shipping sector, ensure maritime safety and facilitate economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.29 - Coronavirus (COVID 19) – Communication from the Secretary-General regarding the crew change crisis

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.28 - Coronavirus (COVID 19) – WHO guidance to promote public health measures on cargo ships and fishing vessels

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.27 - Coronavirus (COVID 19) – Protocols to mitigate the risks of cases on board ships

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.26 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance on the gradual and safe resumption of operations of cruise ships in the European Union in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.25 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Outcome of surveys by ICS and ITF on health protection measures on board ships in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.24 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Outcome of the International Maritime Virtual Summit on Crew Changes organized by the United Kingdom

Circular Letter No.4204/Add.23 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Recommendations for port and coastal States on the prompt disembarkation of seafarers for medical care ashore during the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter 4202 Add. 22 (Rev 1) - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Singapore Crew Change Guidebook

Circular Letter 4202 Add. 21 - Joint statement IMO-UNCTAD – Call for collaborative action in support of keeping ships moving, ports open and cross-border trade flowing during the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter 4202 Add. 20 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Accelerating digitalization of maritime trade and logistics – A call to action

Circular Letter 4202 Add. 19 (Rev 3) - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance for flag States regarding surveys and renewals of certificates during the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter 4202 Add. 18 - Joint Statement IMO-ICAO-ILO on designation of seafarers, marine personnel, fishing vessel personnel, offshore energy sector personnel, aviation personnel, air cargo supply chain personnel and service provider personnel at airports and ports as key workers, and on facilitation of crew changes in ports and airports in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter 4202 Add. 17 - Coronavirus (COVID 19) – Preparing for post COVID-19 operations: considerations and practicalities for port community systems, single window and other electronic exchange platforms

Circular Letter 4202 Add. 16 - Coronavirus (COVID 19) – COVID-19 related guidelines for ensuring a safe shipboard interface between ship and shore-based personnel

Circular Letter 4202 Add. 15 - Coronavirus (COVID 19) - Personal protective equipment

Circular Letter 4202 Add. 14 (Rev 1) - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Recommended framework of protocols for ensuring safe ship crew changes and travel during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Circular Letter 4202 Add. 13 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Recommendations for Governments and relevant national authorities on facilitating the movement of offshore energy sector personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 12 (Rev 1) - Coronavirus (COVID 19) – Declaration by Port Authorities Roundtable (PAR) members in view of the global COVID-19 situation

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 11 - Coronavirus (COVID 19) - EC Guidelines on protection of health, repatriation and travel arrangements for seafarers, passengers and other persons on board ships

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 10 - Joint Statement IMO-WHO-ILO on medical certificates of seafarers, ship sanitation certificates and medical care of seafarers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 9 - Joint Statement IMO-WCO on the integrity of the global supply chain during the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 8 - Video meeting with port State control (PSC) regimes (includes joint statement and statements and/or relevant temporary guidance issued by the United States, the Acuerdo deViñadel Mar and the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Paris and Tokyo MOUs

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 7 - Guidance concerning unforeseen delays in the delivery of ships 

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 6 - Preliminary list of recommendations for Governments and relevant national authorities on the facilitation of maritime trade during the COVID-19 pandemic

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 5 (Rev 1) - Guidance relating to the certification of seafarers and fishing vessel personnel

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 4 (Rev 2) - ICS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for ship operators for the protection of the health of seafarers

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 3 - Operational considerations for managing COVID-19 cases/outbreak on board ships

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 2 - Joint Statement IMO-WHO on the Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak

Circular Letter 4204 Add. 1 - Implementation and enforcement of relevant IMO instruments

Circular Letter 4204 - Precautions to be taken to minimize risks to seafarers, passengers and others on board ships


Information note on maritime labour issues and coronavirus (COVID-19) (Revision 3.0)

