New TANs Published

The Isle of Man Ship Registry has published four new TANs. These are as follows:

  • TAN 006-19IMO Resolution MSC.402(96) New requirements for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear. This TAN gives advice on the new LSA maintenance requirements which enter into force on the 1st January 2020. It includes a 'Frequently Asked Questions' section on the new requirements.
  • TAN 007-19 - Cargo Hazards - Appreciate Them. This TAN has been published to encourage operators and ships crews to systematically evaluate the hazards presented by dry cargo carried on ships. Despite efforts by industry, accidents resulting in death or serious injury continue to occur on ships carrying dry cargoes.
  • TAN 008-19 - Enclosed Spaces Recent Incident.  This TAN has been published following a recent incident on board a bulk carrier which was discharging a cargo of Palm Kernal Expeller (PKE). This incident has prompted the Ship Registry to re-iterate the dangers posed by Enclosed Space Entry and the importance of correctly identifying enclosed spaces and applying the correct procedures for working in them. 
  • TAN 009-19 - Lifeboat & Rescue Boat Drill Declined by Port Authority. The Red Ensign Group has received an increasing number of reports from it's ships that some port authorities are refusing permission for ships to undertake lifeboat/rescue boat drills required by SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation and Regulation The TAN requests that any ships which are refused permission, report this to the Ship Registry using the form referenced in the TAN. The data will be collated by the Red Ensign Group to monitor this trend.
