Official Log Books, List of Crew & GMDSS Log Books

The Ship Registry wishes to advise that the requirement to send official log books, GMDSS log books and lists of crew to the Isle of Man Ship Registry within three months of the official log book being closed has been removed from our Regulations.

Instead, it is now a legal requirement that ships must ensure that these documents are retained on board and made available for inspection for a minimum period of three years from the date of their closure rather than sent to the Ship Registry. Should any of these documents be sent to the Isle of Man Ship Registry in error, they will be returned to the Company.

If requested by the Ship Registry, the official log book or GMDSS log book must be sent to the Ship Registry within 3 months of the date of the request. The list of crew must be sent immediately to the Ship Registry upon request.

Version 1 of the Official Log Book has been updated to reflect these new requirements. Operators may continue to use Version 1 of the Official Log Book until existing supplies are used up. 

Please see TAN 001-19 or MSN 004 for more information.
