Obtain Name Approval


The Application for Registration allows an owner to specify a preferred name for a ship and any alternatives should the preferred choice be unavailable. It is also possible to check on name availability before submitting the application and to reserve preferred names. This can be done by contacting a registrar at registry.marine@gov.im.

A proposed name may be refused for any of the following reasons:

  • It is already the name of a Manx registered ship
  • It is a name so similar as to cause confusion
  • It is likely to be confused with a distress signal
  • It is prefixed by any letters or name which could be taken to indicate a type of ship (e.g. HMS, RLNB etc)
  • It is likely to cause offence or embarrassment
  • It has a clear and direct connection with the Royal Family and permission from the Royal Family has not been given

Carving & Marking Note

Once the application for registration has commenced, the registrar will issue a ‘Carving and Marking Note’. This is a simple document that states the ship’s official name and her port of registry, both to be permanently marked on the hull, and her official number which is to be permanently marked on an interior main beam.

For ships over 24m, the carving and marking needs to be verified by either an Isle of Man surveyor, if present at the ship at the time, or by a Classification Society surveyor. The verifying surveyor signs the note and it can then be returned to the registrar.

For a ship under 24m, the carving and marking note can be signed by the Owner of the vessel.
